History of Imayo Tsukasa
Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery from Niigata City has a long history stretches back to the late Edo era. It was initially known as a Sake/Clothing retailer as well as a restaurant. Imayo Tsukasa transformed its business into a fully dedicated sake brewery starting in the mid-Meiji era (1868-1912).
As the heartland of Japan, Niigata was booming with population and industry at a high level. Niigata used to be more populated than Edo (now known as Tokyo) during this period of time.
This city was one of the first 5 cities that opened up for exporting/importing commodities to/from overseas. There were many different kinds of products and goods from abroad being sold in the market. Niigata was also blessed with the fertile soil and clean Agano water, leading this place to become a hub for Japanese fermented products like Sake, Miso and Soy Sauce.
Niigata is currently known as having the most Sake breweries in any one prefecture in Japan. The combination of rich soil and pure water made this place suitable for producing Sake since ancient times.