It is around the winter solstice: December 21 will be the shortest day of 2017 for anyone living north of the equator. In North America we often find pumpkins at stores around Halloween and Thanksgiving Day, and in Japan, people eat pumpkins at winter solstice from long ago. The seasons and food are deeply rooted in our lives no matter where you live.

Sake Fest Vancouver 2017
We are happy to announce that our successful “Sake Fest Vancouver 2017” was held on September 28, sponsored by The Sake Association of British Columbia (SABC). 164 industry associates, 250 general guests, a total of 414 people joined this event. We would like to thank you once again for your continued support.
104 Sake brands from 33 Sake breweries were exhibited and over 20 Sake brewers and importers attended the event from Japan, Canada and the United States. More
Nigori, sparkling and plum wine appeared than last year and we have noticed the demand for sake in Canada has increased rapidly especially in younger generation and women. The more people have a better understanding of sake, the more they are interested in trying high quality sake. We strongly feel the importance of educating people about sake in an easy to understand manner and believe it is one of the key factors to popularize Japanese sake.
Kampai and Cheers!

Pairing SAKE with Chocolate?
Information Pick Up SAKE
CHOYA’s Gold Edition Umeshu has Finally Arrived in Canada!
Guu Davie
Sake article kanpai!
Sake Fest Vancouver 2017